Prime Minister gives his backing as tens of thousands of Christians take to the streets this weekend

Friday 15th December 2023 – Immediate Use A nationwide Christmas campaign, Shine Your Light, which has seen over 54,000 Christians representing over 440 churches has received a much needed boost from the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak MP this morning. Shine Your Light will see hundreds of thousands unite in communities across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic in a range of outdoor events. This will be the largest Christmas outreach on behalf of the UK church this year with over 65 partners, from denominations, networks and Christian organisations. The over 400 events will take place around town halls, high streets and shopping centres as well as many other public places. Registrations have come in from all over the United Kingdom. Among those taking part include hundreds of flashmob style carol events, open air Christingle services and nativity events from the small to the large including some in Castles, country parks and housing estates. All of these events are solely focused on enabling the true message of Christmas to be heard by those outside the church. While it is acknowledged, church attendance increases during the Christmas season, there will be many who will not darken the door of a church. Reaching across to these un-churched communities is at the heart of Shine Your Light. Thanking churches for holding Shine Your Light events, The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said: “I was delighted to read about your campaign to share the message of hope and joy across the country this Christmas. I anticipate that many churches across our nations will participate in brightening up the country like a Christmas tree, bringing the spirit of Christmas to our communities. I would like to extend my best wishes to everyone involved in Shine Your Light. I hope your campaign is a great success.” Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship added: “To see Christians recognised for taking the message of hope and joy to our communities from the Prime Minister is so encouraging. The church has a unique opportunity this weekend in towns, villages and cities to bring the Christ in Christmas to many who need to hear the message of joy to the world.” To find out about local Shine Your Light events in your community, please visit: END The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church has been encouraged to be a Light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. Dr Jonathan Oloyede is available for media interviews.with prior arrangement. For more information or media requests, please contact Adam May, Director of Communications for the National Day of Prayer and Worship on 07736 949 869 or

As we carry on praying in the lead up to the great opportunity that Shine Your Light presents, let’s continue to pray blessing into our streets and neighbourhoods, and realise that everywhere we walk, as we pray and worship, we are leaving Holy Spirit deposits wherever we tread. Over the last two months, we‘ve been praying for the light, love and life of Jesus where we are, and for an increase in open hearts, an expectancy with hope and asking God to bring healing into all areas of community and society. December is a season of expectancy, so as we journey through Advent and pray “O Come Emmanuel and redeem Your people, “ let’s pray: For PEACE: And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus – Philippians 4:7 For God’s PRESENCE: May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones. – 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Pray for the PLACE: How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity – that is when God commands His blessing….. life forevermore. – Psalm 133: 1 & 3(b) This Prayer Bulletin is published by World Prayer
Sports, Entertainment, and Politics unite to say I’M IN this Christmas

A nationwide Christmas campaign ‘Shine Your Light’ has been launched to call hundreds of thousands to unite in towns, villages and cities this Christmas to take the message outdoors. A new video launched this week features Sports people, Politicians and those involved in the world of Entertainment to say I’M IN. The video features politicians from the main political parties as well as representatives from across the Isles as well as broadcasters from mainstream TV programmes. The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a Light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. Shine Your Light will run on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th December. These events will take place around town halls, high streets, town and shopping centres as well as other public places. Since its launch, tens of thousands of Christians have already signed up from towns, villages and cities from every part of the country. Registrations are coming in from all over England, Scotland, Wales, Among those taking part including a flashmob in Bedford town centre, an open-air Christingle event in East Anglian and a nativity trail in Woolwich. The Churches United in Pontypool in Wales are holding a Carol service in Pontypool Town Centre at 11.00 am on Sunday 16th December with the local Spirit Choir joining. There will be a Shine Your Light banner event called ‘Carols@Carlowrie’ on Saturday 16th December at Carlowrie Castle, in Kirkliston just outside Edinburgh. Carols under the Shine Your Light banner will also be sung on Friday 15th December at 4.00 pm in Trafalgar Square in Central London. At 6.00 pm on the Saturday evening, hundreds will gather to sing Carols in Europe’s Largest Shopping Centre. As this second video is launched, Churches are being encouraged to play the I’M IN film on Sunday 19th November 2023 in their meetings and services. Speaking about this second I’M IN Video, Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship said: Christmas is a celebration first for those outside the church. It’s for those who haven’t heard or responded to the greatest news of all; Emmanuel, God is WITH US. Having Politicians, Sports people and Broadcasters get behind this nationwide Christmas campaign is such a boost for us as the number of locations taking part grows daily. My prayer is to see the WHOLE church, in every expression, declare the Gospel. And to see Christians everywhere say I’M IN to sharing the joy of Christmas into their communities. Pam Rhodes, Broadcaster and Writer added her support: When I heard about Shine Your Light I was thrilled to hear of the plans. I love Christmas carols because of the message of hope, joy and expectation contained. To know Christians across the Isles will be taking them into public places excites me; that’s why I’M IN! Darren Millar MS, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Clwyd West and Chair of the Senedd’s Cross Party Group on Faith added: As a Christian seeking to promote the voice of faith communities in the Welsh Parliament, I believe it is vital that opportunities to celebrate groups coming together is recognised. Shine Your Light will see Christians in Wales uniting together in small, medium and large groups to share the important message of Jesus’ birth; that’s why I’M IN! To sign up your local church in Shine Your Light, please visit: END The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a Light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. A suite of graphics is available to support this press release on request. Dr Jonathan Oloyede and other Christian Leaders are available for media interviews. For more information or media requests, please contact Adam May, Director of Communications for the National Day of Prayer and Worship on 07736 949 869 or

The prayer foundation for Shine Your Light is gaining strong momentum and it’s great to be able to welcome you to the second of our special Prayer Bulletins to compliment the other resources that are part of Shine Your Light (SYL) – sharing the love of God right across The British Isles, on as many streets as possible, this Christmas time. OUR THEMES: In preparation for the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th December, this month’s themes are focussing on our hearts, on the hope that people yearn for, and praying for some remarkable stories of healing to take place. Keep on ploughing the ground in your neighborhoods and believe that where you walk and pray, you are depositing the presence of God in those streets. For Open HEARTS: For God who said” Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 As we prepare for Shine Your Light, let’s pray: Bringing HOPE No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame. Psalm 25:3(a) Praying for HEALING Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Look out for the next SYL Prayer Bulletin Special at the beginning of December.
Shine Your Light Church and Ministry Leaders Meeting

A call has gone out to see the WHOLE church across the WHOLE of the Isles mobilised under one banner to share the amazing news of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. We would love to invite ALL local Church and Ministry Leaders to join us for a special Zoom call on Thursday 9th November 2023 at 12.30pm. This meeting will last around an hour. The meeting will enable you to hear the vision of Shine Your Light from Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship, meet some of the Working Group, learn about the excellent resources you can use, pray for the initiative, and ask questions. To register for the lunchtime meeting, please visit At 7.00pm, this meeting will be repeated on the National Day of Prayer and Worship platform in place of their National Prayer Across the Isles Call for those Church and Ministry Leaders who couldn’t attend at lunchtime. This will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook too, which the lunchtime meeting will not. To register for the evening meeting, please visit: Please sign up and invite others from across your church, local area, and wider community to join us!

Hi, and welcome to the first of three special Prayer Bulletins to compliment the other resources that will be part of this amazing Shine Your Light (SYL) opportunity for the Church to share the love of God during this Christmas time. OUR THEMES: As we prepare for the weekend of 16th and 17th December, we will use three themes each month to help everyone praying in the build-up for this wonderful God-given opportunity. This weekend will be the conclusion of three months of preparation, so as you pray, be aware that you are ploughing up the ground that you pray for, and as you walk the streets in prayer, be mindful that each step you take you are depositing the light and presence of God which will change the spiritual atmosphere as you walk and pray. The LIGHT The people who walk in darkness will see a great light: Those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them. Isaiah 9:2 As the Church prepares to go out onto the streets, let’s pray for: The LOVE By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. John 13:35 The LIFE Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Look out for the next SYL Prayer Bulletin Special week commencing 6th November 2023.
Hundreds of Thousands expected to unite this Christmas to shine their light

A nationwide Christmas campaign ‘Shine Your Light’ is being launched this week to call hundreds of thousands to unite in towns, villages and cities this Christmas to take the message outdoors. The initiative is led by the National Day of Prayer and Worship in collaboration with many denominations and key ministries; including HOPE Together, Myriad, Premier Christian Radio, Redeemed Christian Church of God and the Evangelical Alliance. The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a Light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. Shine Your Light will run on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th December, but with an emphasis on community events and activities, including Nativities and family focused opportunities taking place on the Saturday. These events will take place around town halls, high streets, town and shopping centres as well as other public places. To link the national and local church together, we will be providing an online map highlighting all the events we know that are taking place over that weekend, with website signposting. A specific website, has been created with a social media campaign to run alongside. All our partners will be sharing resources via our digital resources section for use by local churches. There will be a number of things which churches can order, including artificial candles, bespoke booklets and sound files with the official music for the weekend. Churches are being encouraged to play a special invitation video from Christian Leaders from across the breadth of the church and locations around the Isles on Sunday 15th October 2023. Churches will also be able to sign up and say ‘I’m In’ via the website from that date too. Speaking about the launch of Shine Your Light, Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship said: We are inviting Christians from the North, East, South and West of these Isles to join us in Shining Their Light in their communities this Christmas. Imagine the impact of hundreds of thousands of Christians taking the message of Jesus into all public places and spaces. Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance added his support: Every year, we celebrate Christmas in our churches and with our families. I believe we can be bolder and more confident in taking this out into public places too. Let’s take the amazing message of Christmas out into our villages, towns and cities. Let’s share hope with those around us this Christmas and I’m cheering you on! Pastor Leke Sanusi, Chairman of the Redeemed Christian Church of God commended Shine Your Light to all local churches: Our Lord Jesus Christ wasn’t born in silence but surrounded by the noise of the stable. This Christmas, we want to see the whole church coming out together to share in song and dance the amazing news as we celebrate the birth of Emmanuel, God with us! Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union encouraged churches to prayerfully consider what they could do this Christmas: Christmas is a great time of year for Christians to be sharing and celebrating their faith. I’m encouraged to hear of plans this year to take that message out of their buildings. I would love to encourage all churches, including Baptist Churches, to prayerfully consider where they might shine their light this Christmas! Chris Cartwright, General Superintendent of the Elim Pentecostal Church urged churches to take the message of Christmas out on the street: I love Christmas! The picture that light shines in the darkness of our world is crucial for the church to communicate at Christmas as we celebrate God’s coming amongst us. Let’s come together in towns, villages and cities to take that message onto our streets. To sign up your local church in Shine Your Light, please visit: END The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a Light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. Denominations and partners represented, so far: Church of God of Prophecy, Baptist Union, London Mission Collective, Icthus, Evangelical Alliance, the Methodist Church, Hope Together, Catholic Charismatic National Forum, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Foursquare GB, Elim Pentecostal Churches, AOG, New Covenant, World Prayer Centre, The Apostolic Church, United Reformed Church, London City Mission, i61m, Premier Christian Radio, Myriad and the New Testament Church of God. A suite of graphics is available to support this press release on request. Dr Jonathan Oloyede and other Christian Leaders are available for media interviews. For more information or media requests, please contact Adam May, Director of Communications for the National Day of Prayer and Worship on 07736 949 869 or