Shine Your Light

Frequently Asked Questions

Over the next few weeks, we will be updating this page to share some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have a question, you'd like answered, please click here to contact us.

What's the vision of Shine Your Light?

The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree. If you want to find out more CLICK HERE to visit the vision page.

When is it taking place?

Shine Your Light will run on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th December but with an emphasis on community events and activities, including Nativities and family-focused opportunities taking place on Saturday. 


These events will occur around town halls, high streets, city and shopping centres and other public places.

What are the expectations?

As we know, many Churches host special events around Christmas. Shine Your Light has a number of expectations we are hoping local churches taking part might want to consider:


  • Taking the message outside their church building, as possible 
  • Declaring the Christmas message in song through Carols.
  • Praying and blessing their community 
  • Sharing a testimony, story or Gospel presentation 
  • Following up those who attend by inviting them to another Christmas event and offering them a Bible.
What should I be doing to share Shine Your Light?
  • Spread the word of Shine Your Light through your church services and activities. 
  • Start to share the invitation of Shine Your Light to your local community. Share a flyer for Shine Your Light to everyone on your database.
  • Take your traditional annual Christmas service from inside your building out into your local public place. 
  • Encourage ALL churches in your area or network to share our invitation video in their services and fellowships on Sunday 15th October 2023 and as many sequent Sundays as possible. You can download this in our resources section.
  • Encourage everyone you know to register and share their plans with us on this website. Whether you are an individual joining with a group of friends and neighbours, a small church, larger gathering, we’d love to hear what you are doing. Please fill in the appropriate form on our homepage.
  • Encourage Christians to join us on a Thursday evening at 7.00pm on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook to pray for Shine Your Light. To register on Zoom, please visit:
  • Invite the local Church and Ministry Leaders you know to join a special 1 Hour Zoom Meeting on Thursday 9th Novermber at 12:30pm. Register here to join us
Whose partnering with Shine Your Light?

Everyone! The number of denominations and national organisations saying ‘I’M IN’ is growing. We love that Shine Your Light is the whole church joining together. The logos of our partners can be seen on our homepage. 

Are you interested in becoming a partner? Please email Adam May, Director of Communications for Shine Your Light at

How do I sign up?

Whether you are an individual joining with a group of friends and neighbours, a small church, larger gathering, we’d love to hear what you are doing. Click here to jon us.

Will there be resources to help me?

There will be a number of things which churches can order, including artificial candles, bespoke booklets and sound files with the official music for the weekend.


All our partners will be sharing resources via our digital resources section for use by local churches.

What practical support is available to help me?

As plans develop, we will be assisting churches taking part with practical information, such as music licensing, event permissions etc.

How can I support?


Countdown to the event!

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Whether you are an individual joining with a group of friends and neighbours, a small church, larger gathering, we’d love to hear what you are doing. Don't forget to sign up!

Click the INDIVIDUAL BUTTON if you wish to register as an individual or CHURCH BUTTON if you wish to register as a church.

© 2023